Re: computer tech and how to save files from a unit without a working monitor

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Posted by DDst on August 06, 2015 at 12:21:41:

In Reply to: computer tech and how to save files from a unit without a working monitor posted by ryan on August 04, 2015 at 15:15:53:

: Recently I stepped on my laptop and now the screen is unreadable. i was wondering how i could get my important file/docs onto another computer. is it possible to view what should be on the display by connecting it to some other device like a tv so i might be able to at least transfer some either by flash drive/ cloud/ connecting directly to another laptop. please help!!!! thanks

I think the only way would be to hook up a remote monitor to your laptop. If you can't borrow one from somebody, take it to a computer repair shop and they will transfer the files to a flash drive for you.

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