Re: Internal or External tech13

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Posted by TJ on March 03, 2014 at 17:31:57:

In Reply to: Internal or External tech13 posted by Al on March 03, 2014 at 00:57:59:

I can answer the first part of your question. It relates to the history of DOS. Internal DOS functions are "built in." That is, they were part of the original DOS-based computer operating system. But to run external programs, you had to have the .exe program of that name on your hard disk or floppy. As you suggest, nowadays, all DOS functions are either available through the DOS command window, or they're not. I don't know what would happen if you had one of the old discontinued external .exe DOS programs on a flash drive and tried to run it. Maybe someone else has tried that.

I don't have an answer for you on the second part of your question, but if there is an answer, this is the place to find it. There are some very smart people on this forum.

: In your listing of commands what exactly is meant by the note for each command being Internal or External, and how does this matter?

: Also, I was running the Recovery Console on an XP Pro machine (HP dv5217cl after the bcmwl5.sys came up as the issue for BSOD. I read it was related to the Broadcom wireless drivers and so I wanted to install the drivers from the XP Recovery Console using a (non-original) XP installation disc. I load Recovery Console, but after putting in the thumb drive and seeing the driver.exe file from the command line, it wouldn't run when I just typed driver.exe from either c:\ or d:\. Why didn't that work? Is there a way around this to get the drivers installed to the host c:\ partition and possible fix this issue that way?

: Thanks much.

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