The description below is from the book
DOS the Easy Way by Everett Murdock Ph.D.

CLICK HERE for information about downloading the book.

Type: Internal (3.3 and later)


CALL [d:][path]batchfilename [options ]

Purpose: Calls another batch file and then returns to the current batch file to continue processing.


Used within a batch file to specify the name of another batch file (a file with the .BAT filename extension). The original batch file calls into action the CALLed batch file. When the CALLed batch file ends, control is transferred back to the original batch file.

This command function (transfer of control back to a calling batch file) was not available prior to DOS Version 3.

For more information on CALL and other batch commands, see Chapter 5, Using Batch Files, in the downloadable book DOS the Easy Way .


To run the files STARTER.BAT, TESTER.BAT, and FINISH.BAT in sequence, enter the following three lines in your batch file:

call starter
call tester
call finish

For more information about this command, refer to the downloadable book DOS the Easy Way.

Copyright 1985 - 2014 by Everett Murdock

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